What You Need To Get A Fast Paycheck Advance
Getting money from traditional lenders can be challenging and slow, but getting a payday loan in today's world of the internet and modern technology is pretty simple. Sometimes, you need money from a paycheck advance to pay for something unexpected until your next payday.
That's especially true in Tennessee. If you're facing a financial emergency, you'll need money fast. Keep reading to discover what you need to get a fast paycheck advance today!
What Do I Need To Get A Quick Paycheck Advance?
What To Expect From A Paycheck Advance Lender
Paycheck advances are typically less money than other types of loans, like title loans. That's because, unlike other loans, a payday loan is naturally meant to be repaid on your next payday. However, lenders vary, and you need to look at your paperwork for those terms.
This type of loan is a short-term loan designed to cover an immediate expense that you would normally be able to pay for when you get paid. The problem is it is needed now. This kind of loan covers expenses that include a car repair, a home repair, paying a utility bill so you won't get shut off, paying for needed prescription drugs, a doctor's bill, gas to get to work, or food.
Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. offers paycheck advances from $100 to a maximum of $400. That serves most people who need a little help until payday.
Requirements Of A Paycheck Advance
Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. has three basic requirements to apply for a payday loan.
- You must have proof of identity, such as a driver's license or a pictured state ID
- Your most recent pay stub
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name
The checking account must be currently active and listed in your name. You will also need a recent 30-day bank statement from your checking account to show it's active.
Do I Need Good Credit To Apply?
At Tennessee Title Loans, Inc., we welcome borrowers from all credit backgrounds. Unlike traditional banks, we do not perform a hard credit check, pull your credit report, or ask you to fill out a lengthy application stating all your previous jobs.
Your job is your credit. The amount of your paycheck determines how much you can borrow. Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. doesn't check your credit; a credit score doesn’t determine your eligibility for this type of loan.
That is good news for those with bad or no credit because it gives them access to funding just because they work. Applications are considered individually, so it's not a one-size-fits-all type of loan.
The Benefits Of Using Tennessee Title Loans, Inc.
There are benefits to choosing us over other lenders for paycheck loans:
- We are fully licensed and compliant with state law. That is important when you are dealing with issues surrounding your paycheck.
- We are upfront about how much money you can borrow and any terms on the loan agreement. The terms are transparent, so you can decide what's best for your needs. A loan representative will happily explain any part of the agreement you need help understanding.
- We offer a payday loan as a short-term option for times of urgent financial need. Because this is a short-term loan, you can pay it back quickly. You won’t have a loan hanging over your head that you must repay monthly.
- A payday loan with us doesn’t impact your credit score. It isn't reported to any of the three credit bureaus, so those with a bad credit score won't see it drop any further.
How Does The Process Work?
Applying for a payday advance with Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. is simple and hassle-free. Here’s how it works:
- Submit the online website inquiry form asking for more information. This isn't an application but is only asking for information.
- A representative from the store nearest to you will contact you to discuss your documents and the process.
- A visit to the closest store will allow you to meet with a loan representative, ask more questions, and have them verify your documents.
- Once that happens, you will be guided through the rest of the application process, which includes the paperwork.
- Approval will result in you getting money either the same day or the following business day.
The in-store application process can often be done in as little as a half hour. It's that straightforward.
Fill Out The Online Form Today!
Submitting an inquiry form takes only a few minutes and doesn't obligate you to take out a loan. If you need quick cash to address a financial emergency, a payday advance from Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. can help!
It may be what you need to pay for an unexpected or necessary expense until you are paid. Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. is ready to help you improve your cash flow for your emergency expense with a payday loan. Fill out our online form today! We’re here to help.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.