The Ins And Outs Of Cash Advance Loans
Cash advance loans are a financial resource you might not have thought about, especially if you’re new to borrowing. But when you need help, you can use this kind of loan to get up to $400 in borrowed cash for emergencies. There’s a lot you should know before you get this loan, including what it is, when to get one, and how the process works. This article will give you what you need to know about this loan so that you can use this resource when it suits you best.
Helpful Information About Cash Advance Loans
What Are Cash Advance Loans?
Cash advance loans – also known as payday loans – are short-term loans that give you access to quick money for emergency expenses. When you receive the money, you’ll pay it back when your next paycheck comes in. Think of it as an advance on your next paycheck that lets you cover expensive bills, medical payments, or repair costs upfront, letting you focus on the bigger financial picture.
Cash advance loans are generally geared towards people with poor credit. This is because we will not turn you away automatically if you happen to have poor credit. You could still qualify for a payday loan even if you have bad credit at the moment. So, if you’ve been turned down for a loan in the past, then you still might be able to get payday loans through us at Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. when you really need them.
When To Consider Cash Advance Loans
It’s important to understand the ins and outs of when to get a loan. You shouldn’t invest in a loan if you have other readily available financial resources; instead, save this cashflow option for emergencies. A few hundred dollars can make all the difference in an urgent situation where you need to cover important repairs, treatment, or bills, but don’t have the cash on hand.
Sometimes doing nothing simply isn’t an option. While it’s not the right option for every situation, these resources can be a valuable resource in rough times. In any situation where failing to pay your debts would lead to a negative impact on your credit, your wellbeing, or any of your assets, a payday loan is usually a preferable option than waiting until you have the money. Specifically, you can use our cash advance loans for the following:
- Repair bills.
- Rent coverage.
- Utility payments.
- Overdue bills.
- Medical visits.
What You’ll Need To Get A Payday Loan
Thankfully, if you need urgent cash, the requirements for getting a payday loan from us aren’t complex or difficult to fulfill. As we said, you don’t need to have excellent credit to get a payday loan. In addition, you’ll never need to put up any kind of collateral, such as your car title, to secure a payday loan. This gives you the flexibility to get a loan even if you don’t have any property to secure the loan. We here at Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. require the following:
- Driver’s license or state-issued photo ID to verify your age.
- Your most recent pay stub to prove your income.
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name.
A Simple Guide To Applying For A Payday Loan
If you’re ready to tackle emergency expenses head on, then here’s how you can get started with a payday loan from us. Simply complete the online form on our website to send your basic information to the nearest store location. Once done, a representative will give you a call sometime afterwards to go through the required items and set up a meeting for you to come into the store. If you have any questions about the requirements or about the loan process in general, don’t hesitate to ask.
After the call, bring your ID, recent bank statement, pay stub, and blank check to the Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. location mentioned by the licensed loan representative. An associate will assess your items to determine if you qualify for approval and how much we can lend you. If you are approved, they will also go over our loan terms and help you finish the paperwork. Once done, you can get the emergency cash you need on the same day or next business day.
Get Your Cash Advance Loan Today!
Payday loans aren’t to be used in every situation, but now that you know the ins and outs of cash advance loans, you’re all set to use this resources responsibly and wisely. If an emergency strikes, then you know exactly who you need to contact! So the next time you need quick money in between pay periods, come to Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. for help. Just fill out the online form to get started today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.