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Increase Your Earning Potential With These High-Demand Skills

In today’s dog-eat-dog financial landscape, losing your job or being laid off can spell swift financial ruin. Studies show that most Americans have to go into debt to handle any emergency over $400, which is barely more than a week of lost income for most.

In light of that paradigm, keeping your job is of the highest priority. But outside of working hard, how can you do that? That’s what we’re here to answer today. Here are just a few skills that will help secure your job and unlock your earning potential.

Another Language

Unlike other countries where bilingualism is practically default, most Americans go from the cradle to the grave never speaking any language besides English, which is why the ability to speak a second language can make you an attractive hire for many companies who deal with overseas clients who are flattered to by someone speaking their language or simply dealing regularly with a customer base predominantly made up of recent immigrants.

While it may seem like a daunting process to learn an entire language, there’s often no need to become entirely fluent in it. Set yourself small, achievable goals that target the most relevant vocabulary for your industry and you’ll be on your way to making yourself indispensable to your employer.


SEO is an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization and is one of the hottest skills in the job market today. Why? Simple. While the internet is a powerful tool for marketing and pairing customers with businesses, it’s also such an enormously vast place that websites become marooned in the third or fourth page of Google search results.

SEO seeks to remedy that. Through various strategies like writing and coding, it tailors a business’s site to appeal to Google’s search algorithm. Ranking higher in search results is an invaluable tool for most companies, and one that if you can help them achieve it, they’ll reward you well.


This may seem like a strange skill as it’s a lot more nebulous than the two above, but communication is a huge factor in being an effective and vital employee. Essentially any job you ever have will require you to communicate and coordinate with other people, and the better you are at that, the better you’ll be at your job.

That’s all well and good, I hear you, the hypothetical reader, say, but it’s not exactly like you can take a class in communication. And while that is true, there are still concrete steps you can take to improve. Each day make a concerted effort to talk less and listen more, and when you do talk make sure the information you’re trying to convey is actually understood by those you’re talking to.


 Tennessee title loan


Title Loan Tennessee

Even with the above skills, there’s no guarantee that you’ll always be employed. And if an emergency happens to hit when you’re not, a title loan is your best option for a quick hit of cash. Here at Tennessee Title Loans, Inc., we’re committed to getting you the cash you need quickly and efficiently. If you have any questions or concerns check out our Title Loan FAQ to assuage them.


Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Daniel Dewitt

Daniel Dewitt is a lifetime blogger with a finely-honed ability to break down, analyze, and interpret economic trends for the layman. He's fiercely invested in spreading financial literacy and helping everyday people gain the tools they need for their own economic success.