Woman pointing at piggy bank in her hand symbolizing managing money with title loans

How to Be Smart with Money by Setting SMART Goals

If you’re having money struggles – you’re not alone by a long shot. Most Americans are in the same boat, trying to figure out how to be smart with money so that they can build wealth and a better financial future.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind – you don’t get to be smart with money overnight. Figuring out how to be smart with money takes time and dedication. And the best way to tackle it? Setting smart goals, you’ll take on one by one.

Here are 5 smart goals we think are essential and a great starting place to become better at finances. Go through them one by one and by the end of it, you’ll find you’ve gotten much better at the “how to be smart with money” thing. We also explain how Tennessee title loans can help in an emergency.

5 SMART Goals To Be Smarter With Money

1. Getting On A Budget

Budget is the best money-management tool around. If you truly wish to become better at managing money, you need to make a budget. But not just any budget – a smart money budget that sets the right priorities.

All your expenses – needs, savings, wants – should be covered in your budget. And the objective is to spend less. Even if you can afford to spend more money on certain things, ask yourself – should you?

2. Mindful Spending

If you truly wish to learn how to be smart with money, the first thing you should learn is how to spend money wisely. Sure, you could put $200 for groceries in your weekly budget, but do you need to?

Being smart with money means spending only as much as you can get away with – even if you can afford to spend more.

For example, when it comes to food – buy generics at Walmart instead of brand names in Whole Foods, stock your freezer and pantry with foods on sale, and get on a meal plan.

3. Having A Well-Funded Emergency Fund

If you had to set only one goal from this entire list, having an emergency fund should be a priority. An emergency fund is often what stands between people and a financial crash.

It is what helps you cover larger emergency costs that can’t be covered from your paycheck even if you readjust the budget or cover ongoing financial obligations, even if you lose your job. A well-funded emergency fund should cover around 6 months’ worth of expenses.

4. Paying Off Debt The Smart Way

If you have any debt, credit card or other – figure out the least painful way of paying it off in your current situation. For some, it could be going scorch-earth and paying it off as fast as possible. For others, it could be consolidating debt and putting only one monthly payment towards it all.

For some, it could be negotiating the monthly payments (you can use an app like Trim to find out which bills you can negotiate).

5. Taking Care Of Retirement

And last, but not least, you need to set a long-term goal – where do you want to be when you retire? How much money do you need?

The money you save monthly for your emergency fund should start going into your retirement when the emergency fund is all set.

Not only that, but you should keep increasing the contributions, and invest wisely when more money is coming your way. And, if your employer offers contributions – never turn them down, even if you’re paying off the debt. Saying no to free money is certainly not smart.

How To Simplify Your Budget

Looking for a quick way to start budgeting? To start managing your money smarter and easier as soon as today, use the simple budgeting tips listed below:

  • Estimate your monthly income 
  • Track your spending
  • Cut unnecessary expenses
  • Automate your savings

representative handing title loan cash to client in the driver seat of the car

How To Deal With A Financial Emergency Without Savings?

Here’s the thing – even if you figure out how to be smart with money and start diligently working towards your personal goals and financial investment, life might throw a wrench in your plans.

Emergencies happen, and they hardly care if you’ve started to save money to deal with them. So, if you get hit by one, you need to consider all the aspects and decide on the best course of action to take. Keep in mind that some problems could escalate and cost you more in the future if you postpone dealing with them. Learning about long-term consequences is an important aspect of learning how to be smart with money.

If you’re having a medical, home, or car emergency, then you’re better off getting a title loan, dealing with it ASAP, and paying off the loan later, rather than waiting for the problem to solve itself.

Why Is A Title Loan An Option?

Title loans are fast cash resources that allow you to explore options when you’ve been hit with an emergency. These personal loans are accessible and fast, which is why they are so widely used today. When you compare bank loans to title loans from Tennessee Title Loans, Inc. you will find they accept any kind of income, and you can apply for a title loan in Tennessee even if your credit is bad (or outright nonexistent) and still be eligible for approval, unlike traditional banking institutions.

As long as you’re over 18, own a car, and its title is in your name and without any outstanding loans and judgments against it – you’re eligible for a title loan.

How Do I Apply For Tennessee Title Loans?

Applying for a title loan is simple. You can start the process online by filling out an online form found on our website and filling it out. A Tennessee Title Loan, Inc. representative will then contact you and set up a face-to-face meeting.

You’ll need to bring to apply and qualify:

  • Your car for a quick vehicle inspection that will determine its value, and the loan amount you can borrow
  • Your clear, lien-free car title, listed in your name
  • A valid state-issued photo ID, such as your driver’s license

The loan representative will assess everything and determine if you qualify for the loan. If approved – you’ll get the money the same day. The best part? This entire process takes on average around 30 minutes.

Get Emergency Title Loan Cash Today!

It is possible to gain financial stability and freedom if you learn how to be smart with money, and the SMART goals given above can help with planning and developing such skills. 

However, in times when these goals haven’t been achieved yet, and an emergency is forcing you to act fast, you can start applying for a Tennessee title loans online with our inquiry form, or you can also visit one of our Tennessee title loan locations to meet customer services representatives that can help you to start managing your money smarter today!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Louis Tully

Louis Tully is a full-time finance writer offering financial expertise to everyday consumers. He understands the core values of finance and used his writing talents to share his own experiences with money to his readers. His articles teach how financial failures can easily become successes by making new habits and creating realistic goals.